Concrete Trailer Pump Use Tutorial

01. Before working the trailer pump

1. check the trailer pump in place, the trailer pump should be installed on roughly horizontal, solid ground, four legs at the same time on the ground, to ensure that the tires do not carry, the site ground is soft, to prevent sinking need to add a wooden square or board to fix.

2. Check the laying and connection of each pipeline, check whether the straight pipe is in a line, whether the piping is reasonable, and whether the joints of each pipe mouth are tight.

3. Check whether the water tank and hopper are filled with water.

4. Check whether the hydraulic oil tank oil level, grease pump oil tank oil level is filled, and should be filled when it is insufficient. Manual pump oil, check whether the lubrication point oil supply is normal.

5. Before starting the motor, check whether the hopper screen and bottom door are closed and whether there are foreign objects in the hopper.

6. Turn the motor for 10 minutes, check whether the pressure gauge shows normal, whether the mixing device can be reversed, and whether the positive and negative pump action is normal.


02. Trailer pump at work

1. Before pumping concrete, pump water to lubricate the pipeline, check whether there is sealing and water leakage at each pipe card, and then pump mortar to open the pipeline.

2. After confirming that the mortar is open, mix the remaining concrete in the truck fully and evenly before pumping normally.

3. Contact with the front-end operator when starting or stopping pumping concrete to avoid accidents.

4. During the pumping process, the concrete should be guaranteed to be above the mixing axis, no empty suction or no material pumping is allowed.

5. Pay attention to the hydraulic oil temperature during the pumping process, when it rises to 50C, air cooling should be started, if the oil temperature continues to rise and exceeds 80C, it should be stopped for inspection.

6. If pumping is suspended for a long time, the pump should be turned on every 10-20 minutes, reverse pump 1-2 strokes, and then positive pump 1-2 strokes to prevent concrete condensation in the pipe.

7. In the process of pumping, pay attention to the pressure gauge, if the pumping pressure suddenly rises, you should immediately open the anti-pump button, reverse pump 2-3 strokes, and then positive pump, if the pumping pressure is still too high for several times in a row, it is a blocked pipe, and you should stop pumping to deal with the blocked pipe.


03. Trailer pump work finished

1. After confirming the work of pumping concrete, turn on the positive pump to airlift for 3-4 strokes, discharge the residual concrete, stop the positive pump, clear the residual concrete in the hopper and S pipe with tools such as shovel and rake, open the lower discharge door of the hopper, flush the concrete inside and outside the hopper with water, and close the door after it is cleared.

2. Fill the hopper with water, start the positive pump to pump water, pump out the remaining concrete with the water, water discharge is completed, open the hopper door, start the anti-pump, not pumped out the stones, sand with the water, close the hopper door, airlift 20 minutes, continue to supply grease, until the lubrication point out of oil. After cleaning, turn off the motor, turn off the power, cover the pump.

3. Release the water in the tank, especially in winter, and observe whether the water is turbid.

4.Clean and dry all parts of the body. There should be no concrete block, mortar, mud and other dirt in all parts of the pump body.

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