A dump truck, also referred to as a tipper truck, is a type of heavy construction equipment withan open box bed. lt is ideal for the demolition of waste and transporting loose constructionmaterials such as sand or agricultural input. Dump trucks are useful in many industries andworksites, including: Agriculture, Building constructior, Road construction, Mining. Dump trucks are an extremely common piece of machinery found on most construction sites.
What are the SHACMAN 8x4 Dump Truck Special Features?
1.The dump box
This is the open-box bed found at the rear of the SHACMAN 8x4 dump truck. The box hashydraulic rams, which lift it backwards. Once the box is lifted, the materials are deposited ordumped on the ground just behind the truck.
2.Powered wheels
The 8x4 dump truck from SHACMAN has more powered wheels compared to other trucks in themarket. This provides greater traction from the powered tires. As a result, the overall drivingexperience of this type of dump truck becomes much smoother. lt becomes easier to maneuvereven in rocky construction and mining sites.
3.customized cabin designSHACMAN cares about your comfort and safety as you drive the 8x4 dump truck at your worksite. That is why they make it with redefined cabin features. lt has user-friendly features such asshock absorbers, traverse stabilizer, ventilation and floating suspensions.
4. 6-cylinder engines
The 6-cylinder engines help the SHACMAN 8x4 dump truck to have high power. As a result, itproduces upwards of 370 HP. The dump truck can efficiently move in the worksite and lift thedump box to deposit the materials behind the truck.
Where to Find a SHACMAN 8x4 Dump Truck for Sale?
Ordering the 8x4 dump truck from SHACMAN directly has become more accessible over theyears. However, it can still be a slow and time-consuming process, especially when buying smallquantities of equipment. You might also face dificulties such as language barriers and non-ideaorices. Therefore. ZLIN may be a better choice for vou. At ZLIN, we have experiencedealing with reliable products and equipment from SHACMAN and other Chinese constructionmachinery manufacturers, This puts us in a great place to help you get the machine vou desire ata competitive price.
Henan Zlin Heavy Industry Group
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