01. Consider from the volume of self-reloading mixer truck

The larger the volume, the more concrete it can carry, and the more expensive the self-reloading mixer is. Choose different volume of self-serve mixer according to the purpose of purchase. If it is transported according to the amount of concrete per cubic meter, it is better to choose a large-capacity self-serve mixer; if it is a monthly transport, a 10-square self-serve mixer can meet the basic needs.

Generally, the owner will not pay attention to this aspect when buying a self loading mixer, only a few insider owners will notice this. If the road surface is relatively flat during transportation, basically taking the highway, you can choose single-stage reduction bridge. If the road condition is not very good and there are many stones or ramps, it is recommended to choose wheel side reduction axle, so that the car has more torque and is suitable for climbing.

02. Consider from the specification of self loading mixer truck

There are several specifications of concrete self-reloading mixer truck tires, large car with large tires, small car with small tires, basically can not be wrong. Mainly, the tire material is divided into nylon tires and steel wire tires, the life of steel wire tires is twice as long as nylon tires, and the price is also much higher. Some cars are original with steel wire tires, some are nylon tires, customers should first ask the car is original with steel wire tires or nylon tires when shopping.

The quality of the tank of the self-feeding mixer mainly refers to the thickness of the tank, which is now generally 6mm manganese plate, if it is lower than this thickness, it is recommended not to consider.

There are many choices of self-feeding mixer chassis, each chassis has its advantages and disadvantages, the choice of which one also depends on personal preferences, it is recommended that the brand, price, reputation and other aspects of comprehensive consideration.

In addition to these influencing factors, there are also factors such as reducer, hydraulic pump, transmission, etc. need to be considered, if you can’t decide, you can also consult technical advice.

ZLIN self-loading mixer can be operated by one person throughout the whole process, and the operation is comfortable and simple. It can be said that one ZLIN self-loading mixer is equivalent to one loader + one mixer + two transporters + 4~6 operators, which is very cost-effective.